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Guys Can Be Dolls Too!

Beside, behind and in front of every doll is one fantastic guy!  Rather it is a father, brother, cousin, friend or Uncle Mr. T., Zoe’s Dolls would not be the organization it is without the hard work and dedication of some awesome men!

Here at the Zoe’s Dolls Headquarters, we are so lucky to have two “doll of a guys;” Mr. J. Phillip Tavernier (Mr. T.) and Mr. Kevin Brown.   These two men are always on the scene making it happen for their favorite dolls. Both men serve as board members.

Mr. T., without a doubt is the doll spokesperson. It does not matter with whom he is speaking with, you can bet your last doll outfit that he’s going to talk up Zoe’s Dolls.   He has been so instrumental in spreading the word and bringing awareness to the Zoe’s Dolls mission.   Rather it’s providing a much-needed connection to further our mission or leveraging collaborations that strengthen the mission; Mr. T never misses an opportunity to showcase Zoe’s Dolls!

Mr. T. is always brainstorming on how we can keep the Zoe’s Dolls momentum going throughout the year. Why, it was his idea to have the first Loving The Skin I’m In Creative Expressions Contest in February last year! This event was a huge success and gave girls the opportunity to be empowered and embraced. The event is now a staple activity of Zoe’s Dolls. We are so lucky to have such a connected, creative and concerned man in our corner!

Our man on the town is the distinguished Mr. Kevin Brown! When you absolutely, positively must have the support of community leaders, decision makers and politicians; Mr. Brown is our go to man. He has been a vital component in securing stakeholders and political support to further the Zoe’s Dolls mission.

It was Mr. Brown who brokered the meeting for us to meet the fabulous City of Miami Gardens Vice Mayor Felicia Robinson. His advocacy of Zoe’s Dolls led to Vice Mayor Robinson’s office co-sponsoring the first Loving The Skin I’m In Creative Expressions Contest. Of course, when we needed a major co-sponsor for this year’s Doll Season kick-off event; The Living Doll Experience, it was Mr. Brown to the rescue again. Vice Mayor Felicia Robinson, once again stepped up the plate to be the co-sponsor.

Not only does he work tirelessly to move forward Zoe’s Dolls, he is always looking for opportunities to showcase the little 8 year-old CEO of Zoe’s Dolls. Mr. Brown is always presenting opportunities for the CEO, Zoe Terry to speak to other youth about her mission. He recently secured a speaking opportunity for Zoe to speak at the FYFL Cheer Symposium to about 150 girls. Like we said, he’s our man on the town!

Thank you to Mr. T and Mr. Brown for believing in our mission and taking this journey with us! We appreciate you and we love you!


-Mommy & Zoe