const fs = require('fs-extra') const path = require("path"); const source = path.resolve( __dirname, '../..' ); const target = path.resolve( __dirname, '../../../build/cookie-law-info' ); async function build() { await copyFiles(); await deleteFiles(); } async function copyFiles() { try { await fs.copy(source, target); } catch (err) { console.error(err) } } async function deleteFiles() { try { await fs.remove(`${target}/lite/admin/node_modules`) await fs.remove(`${target}/lite/admin/src`) await fs.remove(`${target}/.git`) await fs.remove(`${target}/.gitignore`) console.log('success!') } catch (err) { console.error(err) } } build(); Love Letters to Black Girls – Zoe's Dolls

WEDR 99 JAMZ Community Voices, January 2016

Zoe’s Dolls interviewed by Cheryl Mizell with WEDR 99 JAMZ Community Voices, January 10, 2016. Discussion about the Zoe’s Dolls Mission, TedX Youth, Loving the Skin I’m In Creative Expression Contest, Love Letters to Black Girls, Girlprenuer Program and the Living Doll Experience.

Love Letters to Black Girls

Zoe’s Dolls believes that the Black girl is powerful, beautiful and courageous. The Black girl can accomplish anything, be anything and impact the world! We are so excited at the Dollhouse about our new initiative: Love Letters to Black Girls.  This initiative will inspire, encourage and empower Black girls through the gift of words from some … Read more