const fs = require('fs-extra') const path = require("path"); const source = path.resolve( __dirname, '../..' ); const target = path.resolve( __dirname, '../../../build/cookie-law-info' ); async function build() { await copyFiles(); await deleteFiles(); } async function copyFiles() { try { await fs.copy(source, target); } catch (err) { console.error(err) } } async function deleteFiles() { try { await fs.remove(`${target}/lite/admin/node_modules`) await fs.remove(`${target}/lite/admin/src`) await fs.remove(`${target}/.git`) await fs.remove(`${target}/.gitignore`) console.log('success!') } catch (err) { console.error(err) } } build(); Loving the Skin I’m In Creative Expressions Contest and Banquet – Zoe's Dolls

Loving the Skin I’m In Creative Expressions Contest and Banquet

Don’t miss the Fourth Annual ‘Loving the Skin I’m In’ Creative Expressions Contest and Banquet!
Girls between the ages of 6 and 18 years of age that submitted in either the written or short film category on why they love the skin they are in will be honored at the culminating banquet.  The first place winner will receive a $100 cash award, second place will receive a $75 cash award and the third place winner will receive a $50 cash award.

Deadline to submit an application and creative entry is May 31, 2018 at 11:59 pm. The Banquet will be in the summer (date to be determined). Download the application and entry form here.