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Are You Ready For Girlpreneur?

Do you know a girl between the ages of 8-13 years old?  Are these girls interested in being a young entrepreneur?  Are these girls motivated?  If you answered yes to these questions, then the Zoe’s Dolls Girlpreneur Program might be a fit for them.

Girlpreneur is a pilot program that Zoe’s Dolls will be debuting January 2016. The program will accept 15 girls between the ages of 8-13 that have an interest in owning their own business. Girlpreneur will work with these girls for six months, using a kid based business curriculum designed to give these girls the foundation to starting their own business. During the program girls will learn how to formulate their business idea, develop a business plan, incorporate their business and design marketing plans. The girls will also be paired with business owners, whom will serve as mentors. At the end of the program, each girl will have incorporated and started their business.  Each girl will also receive $500 towards the development of her business.

Business Mentor Aiysha Roberts of Skye of Essence Designs

When it comes to out of the box designs and high-end couture demands, one local designer comes to mind–Skye of Essence by Aiysha Roberts.  If you are looking for your average outfit that you can buy out of any everyday retail store, steer clear of Skye Of Essence.   Skye Of Essence is only for the bold at heart!

From ostrich feather, diamond encrusted waistbands to embellished lace maxi skirts, if you can imagine it, she can design it! There is no fear in her fashion designs, and pushing the limits of creative boundaries overboard is always at the forefront.   Skye Of Essence refuses to be defined by the contemporary status quo of fashion. This designer prefers to be a trendsetter making couture designs, mixing unlikely fabrics and creating iconic looks.

Luckily for the Zoe’s Dolls Girlpreneur Program, she’s one of our business mentors.  If you know a little girl between the ages of 8-13 years old and has a flair for fashion, the Zoe’s Dolls Girlpreneur Program, could be the right fit for them.  If selected, they will have the opportunity to be mentored by Aiysha Roberts of Skye Of Essence Designs!  For more information, please send an email to

Where To Reach Sky Of Essence

-Mommy & Zoe